Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Busy Bumble Bee
Friday, October 24, 2008
BzzzzzzTest Drive

Today we did a test drive in the busy bumble bee costume. I was checking for size and mobility.
So far so good...lost a seam and got it back together. Now to finish the antenna, and wings. Our first occasion to wear it is tomorrow at a fun spooky pot luck. Then he will be a busy bumble bee for sure...Daddy's work party is Tuesday night, then Hallo'een assembly at school, and trick or treating around the neighborhood on Friday.
Okay gotta get back to the costume making...I've got mine and Kurt's in the works too...and to figure out a dish to take for this pot luck. Whew.. Busy? An understatement.
In the Light of Hope and Gratitude We Walk

Earlier this evening Maxx, Allison, Shannon and I met many others at Uncommon Ground to light the handmade lanterns and begin our gratitude walk. It was magical. Many said they came to see the little ones and how important it is to see their awww and how amazing that is. There was a story about a lantern told and then songs began as we walked our 3 blocks to the garden. It was so beautiful to see those lanterns in the dark and enjoy the night in a magical place. How grateful I am to be able to give and have this experience with my beautiful son and my amazing friends who rekindle my spark every day.
At times our own light goes out
And is rekindled by a spark from
Another person Each of us has cause to think
With deep gratitude to those
Who have lighted the fire with in us
-Albert Schwitzer
And is rekindled by a spark from
Another person Each of us has cause to think
With deep gratitude to those
Who have lighted the fire with in us
-Albert Schwitzer

Above is Maxx's lantern as he is walking around the dark garden. Beautiful.

I walk with my little lantern,
My lantern walks with me
In heaven, the stars are shining!
On earth, my lantern shines too.
In darkest night, it guides my way
Glow little lantern glow.
My lantern walks with me
In heaven, the stars are shining!
On earth, my lantern shines too.
In darkest night, it guides my way
Glow little lantern glow.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ribbon for the Sophia's Garden

There has been wind that the University is not going to develop this piece of land the garden is on after all. Something about the development has been canceled. So instead of a new building or to keep the garden they are going to use this beautiful space as a staging ground for large construction equipment for the demolition of the building just to the east of the garden.
With this news has come some activism from not only the school, but the entire surrounding community and students of the University. We have joined in.
One of the University students came up with the idea to tie a ribbon on the fence to be your voice. Today we tied our ribbons.
Thursday is a lantern walk from the Uncommon Ground to the garden...starts at 6pm if anyone wants to join us.

Viva la Sophia's Garden!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wet Day, YAY!!!

It is wonderful how your little one can change how you are seeing the day.
Me: "Awww man, it is raining."
In my head: In and out...wet and dry...the buses will be hair will be wet...I need to invest in some rain boots...don't forget the umbrella...aww the umbrella...up and is cold today too...cold and wet...pack extra clothes and socks for Maxx...
Maxx: "Cool! I can wear my puddle boots to school! Don't forget to pack an extra pair of Saaahhh-Oxx. Let's go, Moam!"
Me: "Cool! Let's go get wet!"
Maxx: "Yeah!"
He embraces every thing and has so much fun. Me too!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Autumn in Sophia's Garden

Since we have started school, I have or I should say, we have fallen in love with Sophia's garden. It won't be long until the garden will be gone from this we are taking in as much as time here as we can.

Slowing down and not just hustling by...
taking a moment to walk threw,
balance on the bed logs,
sitting in the grass,
scream after a big grass hopper we were watching jumps to show us how high he can go,
a busy bee won't leave us alone while we are slurping an orange,
soaking up the rays of the sun,
swaying in the wind,
stomping in the mud wearing our Wellies (Maxx calls them puddle boots),
playing hide and seek,
Believing for a moment we are in the country running through the fields, and not downtown Chicago
The empty lot and space was so graciously open to Maxx's school and the surrounding community many years ago...knowing that the University would expand and use this piece of land. As you walk around the garden, you see how much love has been put in to this amazing oasis in the city. Art work has been etched & painted, wooden gazebos and fences have been built by the older children in the school, flower, herbs, vegetables, fruit, trees, shrubs, and grasses are all growing so happily. There are bees, grasshoppers, lady bugs and worms that are in living out their fairy tale and helping to create fairy tales for Maxx.
November 1st is the said day of construction starting. We just have 2 more weeks and we will continue our moments until the restricted signs go up. I am going to try and capture as many photos as I can to remember these short moments that an amazing garden entered our lives.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Mr. Squirrel

Today en route to the EL train after a day at school, I spotted a squirrel harvesting his goods for later. There was an apartment that had their balcony decorated for the autumn with corn stalks and pumpkins...and this little guy was going to town. This squirrel had managed to wrestle the stalk so a corn was at perfect height for him to sit on this chair and work. Talk about a true pure bread American rodent. We watched as he would take a few kernels and then run on the brick ledge running along the outside of the building to a tree. Hop down dig a hole put the kernels in cover it...then head back. I thought he was really brave to do this while kids and parents hustled by. We watched for a good 15 minutes before a dog came by and spooked him into hiding. Maxx got so tickled at all the action.
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