Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving with Little Boys

Maxx and lil Cliff Joyfully Ringing!

Maxx and I are in Texas spending some time of rest and spending the holidays with family.
The weather is beautiful! It is a glorious day!

Trying to herd the little boys to bed.

We had Thanksgiving at G.G.'s (Great Grandmother's) in Hillsboro.
We drove over the hills of central Texas and through the woods of east Texas to get there.

I am thankful for my family, and for the joy that little boys have about EVERYthing.
I am thankful for Texas weather, and dandelions in late autumn.
I am thankful for friends and loved ones far away.
I am thankful for the pie sampler plate and laughing with my sister.
I am thankful for the fast pace and really thankful for the slow pace.
I am thankful for hearing about a friend's first winter with snow.
I am thankful for funny little stuffed monsters and friends that will be there for you.
I am thankful for homemade.
I am thankful for spending this Thanksgiving with my has been 5 years.
I am thankful...

Maxx and lil Cliff blowing dandelions

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